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David Atkinson taught DPT 178 Basic Hydraulics on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Charles Hillier taught DPT 154 Truck Brakes and Suspension on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Tim Banasiak, a full time Automotive instructor, also taught DPT 173 on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Donations/Purchases; Don announced that the newest donation to the Diesel department included a White 6045 small utility tractor with a loader. Jamie Wilson arranged the donation from the City of Malta. The tractor has failed engine parts. Don also informed the committee that a recent purchase of the department included: 3 Eaton RoadRanger transmissions out of semi trucks, and 3 tremec transmissions out of S-10 pickup trucks. All of these will be used for the DPT 176 class. Curriculum Updates; John explained that the ICCB (Illinois Community College Board) is requiring that all Degree programs need to be limited to a total of 60-62 credits. The current Diesel Power Technology Degree #426 has a total of 72 credits. John presented 3 different options to the committee: All 3 options included: Elimination of DPT 293 Internship II, changing WT 116 Fundamental Welding Process from a required class to an optional elective, reducing the open elective from a required 3 credits down to 2 credits, combining the material covered in DPT 101 Introduction to Diesel Power Careers and DPT 106 Diesel Power Tech Internship Preparation class into 1 class that will be DPT 101, and reducing DPT 197 Internship I from 3 credits down to 2 credits. This is a total reduction of 9 credits. The general discussion was that, with the current ability to use the internet for job searching, the extra time in DPT 101 was no longer needed. LaCretia Konan also pointed out that the students could come to her when searching for jobs. Nick also suggested that the department host a Career Night when all of the Employers could come and speak about their business and their part in the industry. Andrew Stone agreed this was a good idea beause he felt losing the chance to hear from the guest speakers, was a big drawback. All of these ideas justify the combination of DPT 101 with DPT 106, as well as the reduction in DPT 197 and elimination of DPT 293. Option 1: Combined DPT 177 Introduction to Diesels and DPT 279 Advanced Diesels for a reduction of 2 credits. The discussion from Jamie Wilson was that it would be too difficult to cover all of the material that is important in these time constraints. Option 2: Combined DPT 173 Mobile Systems Electronic I and DPT 273 Mobile Systems Electronics II for a reduction of 2 credits. The discussion from Jim Garner was that electrical understanding and diagnostics is one of the most challenging and needed abilities to work in the industry. He would like to see more time spent in this topic not less. Option 3: Combined DPT 276 Advanced Transmissions and Final Drives and DPT 278 Advanced Hydraulics for a reduction of 2 credits. The committee as a whole seen this option as the Least Painful. Jamie noted that Patten Cat, the company he works for, provides more advanced training for their technitions on this topic already. Duane noted that in the On Highway truck industry these skills are the least important. The committee voted in favor of Option 3 with a motion from Nick Stafford and a second from Jamie Wilson. Skills USA Update; Don announced that he has 6 Diesel students that have signed up to be in the competition this fall. He also informed the group that they planned to have a second meeting soon to sign students up for the competition. Field Trip; Mark Engel shared with the committee that the department, including 43 students with instructors, had visited the Fairbanks/Morse factory in Beloit, Wisconsin. At Fairbanks the students had the opportunity to see large diesel engines being built. After having lunch at Golden Corral Buffet, the group traveled to SK Professional Tools in Sycamore, Illinois. At this tour the students were able to see a facility that manufactured some of the very tools that they use daily. Finally Mark made the observation that everyone attending the trip enjoyed the experience. Open Discussion; John Boesche asked the Committee members a number of questions: What are your current or projected employment needs of your organization over the next 2-3 years? -Nick said that CIT Group, combining all locations, was looking to add 28 technicians total. -Jamie said that Patten Cat was looking to add 6 technicians total. Are the majority of your new entry-level positions filled by individuals with previous training or candidates you are training in-house? -Nick (CIT) said usually filled by technical schools, then they provide more training as needed. -Jamie (Cat) said the same. Does the 鶹ӰԺ Diesel Power Technology program provide the level of training that you require of new employees? Too much or too little? -Jamie (Cat) said yes that of entry level. -Nick (CIT) said yes that of entry level, and noted that the 鶹ӰԺ Diesel students are far more advanced that those of other technical programs. If there is an employer demand for Diesel Power training, what are your recommendations for getting more students into this training pipeline? -Nick (CIT) said the program should advertise the internship availability and job placement. -Jamie (Cat) agreed with Nick. To what extent are you willing to help support the efforts necessary to grow enrollments and support the program? -Jamie (Cat) said he could provide software updates for the departments diagnostic tools. -Nick (CIT) said he would allow the Diesel Instructors to attend any updated training sessions that they offered to their technicians free of charge. -Jim (CIT) said that he would try to get a new PACAR engine donated to the department along with software and training. Next meeting; The next meeting will be Thursday March 8, 2018 at 6:30pm. Adjournment; The meeting was adjourned with a motion from Nick Stafford and a second from Jim Garner at 8:40 pm. 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