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/Type /StructElem /S /H2 /T (Overview) /E (Overview) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [1] >> endobj 41 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (The Free Application for Federal Student Aid\(FAFSA\) is used to determine eligibility for different kinds of financial support that can help make college more affordable. This can include things like the Pell grant, Federal Work Study, loans, scholarships, and state aid. To calculate the amount of aid a student will receive, the FAFSA collects information about the student, their family, and their financial situation.) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [2 3] >> endobj 42 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText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lt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [4] >> endobj 43 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H3 /T (This guide helps counselors talk with families about whether or not it is safe to fill out the FAFSA.) /E (This guide helps counselors talk with families about whether or not it is safe to fill out the FAFSA.) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [13] >> endobj 44 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /Figure /P 34 0 R /Pg 7 0 R /K [19] >> endobj 45 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 103 0 R /ActualText (What information does FAFSA collect?) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [5] >> endobj 46 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (FAFSA collects information about the student, their financial situation, their family, and their parents or legal guardians \(if the student is a dependent\). ) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [6] >> endobj 47 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 104 0 R /ActualText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lt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [7] >> endobj 48 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 105 0 R /ActualText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lt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [12] >> endobj 49 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Contributors do not need to provide a social security number to fill out their portion of the FAFSA. When filling out the FAFSA online, they will need to check a box indicating that they do not have an SSN. On the paper FAFSA, they can enter zeroes in the SSN field. Contributors do not need to complete the identity validation process at this time. ) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [8] >> endobj 50 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Do not use an ITIN in place of an SSN. Only enter an ITIN where specifically directed to do so. ) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [9] >> endobj 51 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H2 /T (Who can access this information?) /E (Who can access this information?) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [10] >> endobj 52 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText <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> /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [11] >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (1) /Alt () /Pg 7 0 R /K [14] >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /Figure /P 34 0 R /Pg 7 0 R /K [18] >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /Figure /P 35 0 R /Pg 8 0 R /K [21] >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (What other agencies have access to FAFSA information? ) /E (What other agencies have access to FAFSA information? ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [0] >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText <5468657265206D75737420626520616E206578706C696369742061677265656D656E7420696E20706C616365207768656E6576657220696E666F726D6174696F6E20697320736861726564206163726F7373206665646572616C206167656E636965732E2043757272656E746C792C20746865204465706172746D656E74206F6620456475636174696F6E2073686172657320696E666F726D6174696F6E207769746820746865204465706172746D656E74206F6620486F6D656C616E6420536563757269747920284448532920746F20636F6E6669726D2074686520737461747573206F662073747564656E74732077686F206170706C7920666F7220464146534120617320656C696769626C65206E6F6E2D636974697A656E732E205468657265206172652063757272656E746C79206E6F2061677265656D656E747320696E20706C61636520616C6C6F77696E672044485320746F2075736520696E666F726D6174696F6E20636F6C6C65637465642061732070617274206F662074686520464146534120666F722074686520707572706F736573206F6620696D6D6967726174696F6E20656E666F7263656D656E742E2054686520507265736964656E74739020416C6C69616E636520697320646576656C6F70696E6720612073756D6D617279206F6620616C6C2063757272656E7420646174612073686172696E672061677265656D656E747320746861742077696C6C20626520617661696C61626C6520736F6F6E2E20> /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [1 2] >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (What laws protect FAFSA information?) /E (What laws protect FAFSA information?) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [3] >> endobj 59 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (The use of FAFSA information is governed by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Privacy Act clarifies that PII cannot be disclosed without written consent. There are 12 exceptions to this. Of these 12 exceptions, two are especially relevant when it comes to FAFSA: ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [4 5] >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 106 0 R /ActualText <312E208D526F7574696E65207573658E3A205468697320616C6C6F7773206167656E6369657320746F20736861726520696E666F726D6174696F6E20666F7220612064657369676E6174656420736574206F6620707572706F7365732E20546865736520707572706F736573206D757374206265207075626C697368656420696E20746865204665646572616C2052656769737465722E20> /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [6] >> endobj 61 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText <322E204C617720656E666F7263656D656E7420726571756573743A205468697320616C6C6F7773206167656E6369657320746F207265717565737420696E666F726D6174696F6E20666F7220636976696C206F72206372696D696E616C206C617720656E666F7263656D656E7420707572706F7365732E2053756368207265717565737473206D757374206265206D61646520696E2077726974696E672062792065697468657220746865206167656E63792068656164206F72206F6666696369616C73206174206F722061626F766520746865208D73656374696F6E2063686965668E206C6576656C2E20> /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [7] >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (FAFSA information is also protected by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 \(FERPA\). You can find more information about FERPA here. ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [8] >> endobj 63 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (How will I know if regulations protecting PII change? ) /E (How will I know if regulations protecting PII change? ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [9] >> endobj 64 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText <496620746865204465706172746D656E74206F6620456475636174696F6E2065737461626C697368657320616E79206E657720646174612073686172696E672061677265656D656E74732C2074686573652077696C6C206265207075626C697368656420696E207468652053797374656D206F66205265636F726473204E6F74696365732028534F524E73292E2054686520507265736964656E74739020416C6C69616E6365206973206D6F6E69746F72696E6720616C6C2061637469766520534F524E7320616E642077696C6C207075626C69736820612073756D6D617279206F66207768617420646174612073686172696E67207468657920617574686F72697A652E20546869732077696C6C206265206B65707420757020746F206461746520696E207468652066757475726520616E642077696C6C20626520656D61696C6564206F757420746F206F75722046414653412055706461746573206C697374736572762E20> /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [10 11 12] >> endobj 65 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Is the paper FAFSA more secure? ) /E (Is the paper FAFSA more secure? ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [13] >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (The paper FAFSA is protected by the same policies that apply to the online FAFSA. The paper FAFSA is neither more nor less secure than the online FAFSA. There is one main difference to consider. The paper FAFSA does not require contributors to check a box indicating that they do not have an SSN. There is an SSN field on the form, which you can leave blank or fill with zeroes. Contributors will still need to provide some PII, such as a name, mailing address, and financial information. ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [14] >> endobj 67 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Should concerned students apply for a dependency override? ) /E (Should concerned students apply for a dependency override? ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [15] >> endobj 68 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Students should only apply for a dependency override if they qualify. Whether a student is classified as dependent or independent is determined by the questions they answer on the form. ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [16 17] >> endobj 69 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H2 /T (For answers to other common questions, visit the FAQ page on the Higher Ed Immigration Portal FAFSA Resource Hub. ) /E (For answers to other common questions, visit the FAQ page on the Higher Ed Immigration Portal FAFSA Resource Hub. ) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [18 19] >> endobj 70 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (2) /Alt () /Pg 8 0 R /K [20] >> endobj 71 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /Figure /P 35 0 R /Pg 8 0 R /K [22] >> endobj 72 0 obj << /ca 1 /BM /Normal >> endobj 73 0 obj << /ca .1 /BM /Normal >> endobj 74 0 obj << /Type /ExtGState /ca 0.0 >> endobj 75 0 obj << /G3 72 0 R >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /I true >> endobj 77 0 obj << /Length 293 /N 3 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x}JԂ(28hiRpi"VSAOHStspu+.c(#ARx@?F[V[G@`*dK$O.K o@6`O,f'˘O asx0A6vf 8{c7%opZ:u Q 0Q٣F *Ԑ(SDGACAajgrx]s PxM cvhO> stream xy\UUg*(j΂l)89S ZVC69eeiejYNXN9)( <{{GO1ij\ll@@Ecbfև/<@ڌ>@cb7EA#g!@Sfv ڛ'?]vd~t@3_()L)??ˢ*"+4?=!Wh<_{/`c85HAg| ``+)̪[dzjc#P M.9C|_h ŷYJZ,{/Ȕ ?e}If|*m0شܲ?>>>Ͳvp*9հ<x__VӡrThT U_!o}H'L ';w7eB=L^P^? 4(i fd9oe-48@}$v؁>֯`3ch1#tfgoe33DmQr{oF(좝ۛ ϠTjzuU>>KK+@L^MMM%Zؖ9WRS:捍~Z&y1Рa(Ѫ d+e]dիMâ%7fB }ys{hк+]E S1/m֟O?_{w!З=l.*cs=~Z6=@J"ߩR~̹Wx)K-.+s6ʱP%;_= Sx(7PX/nM<:g("ofVya>ϳʰ>ѳ>q_<B/n5 e=ܺ-`< ŷdSoʄMh0!@22xYiy<ؒ/}MP)`v2UQ,U@4`<ᕽ*94]'^v@TʮMӍqO`t ^w@Q +]E캢@ZV/HXrz:iƏP$#`=p`C9~k3/1;k(N48$1Dž'6iܬ2I̪ ]t7]614!3:Y8$>k9UЊ3y\E|.EbU0duH^Xj ?H uDTìRVHy,ԭo ^@#kA c%|摧ߪ 8Xe;Ș:V#p1svAuGMl)Ƿ*=4-Թ{nZ mfUkݺeUNRIͥҎq4"A~@!b'Dr5 tE;4z4LnP򵵛lc m0Cb#$ uN8 ,i,wΉ8m%. \^9wד=!ZE򠆆9c J_3bAf=\ `±N2g5(%(3 E>ndбܽnM{39 ڱ|W?m䣭%1hM'#Ŋcw0ݡ*&ֲꆄ:do5WN jkɦ~/z`xRh#whi;- &N[t%-kĤ >^.ugUCGkz _HlO~LAy4{)|=aW{3G04XILfv!w&I_?4bO#*1Zsx1˷օ%%%(˵ĢK|^m kmX 1Xs"ŐFQU[kՆۘ.mk>sсsN(NUK^\ :m%c}@a c`%fYNam}J Z& kWT́'yDAK.lyžbOL15tT*<a6'wz%.A aӰaӀ pS:{vPU,YYwn?v/myTX9aOb􃧘d1~LF$ !w|nͪ&3wXuĺO vߚ5k֮E-Pt/ɛVW_/|C"lP;zr0jg h+o4|m[EeV)# oi /R`_b7ʊj'7$V)t 1!5rm>3y4ڛXh6kkdU~evA6D9B9 K?8ݼ\΃ -8_wh_u]6q}V3IǚtycE64R'ЂxѢKa-ߝh} Oʤ!p`ڴaGfpJ[/3~HhWs9W:sKɟTǫbn\-؄N䡺. 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/URI (https://www.ed.gov/about/ed-overview/required-notices/systems-of-records-notices) >> endobj 94 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://forms.gle/R1Bs1ok8poLLszeh8) >> endobj 95 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out/dependency) >> endobj 96 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out/dependency) >> endobj 97 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.higheredimmigrationportal.org/faqs/) >> endobj 98 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.higheredimmigrationportal.org/resources/fafsa-hub/) >> endobj 99 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 34 0 R /K 119 0 R /Pg 7 0 R >> endobj 100 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 34 0 R /K 120 0 R /Pg 7 0 R >> endobj 101 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 34 0 R /K 121 0 R /Pg 7 0 R >> endobj 102 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 35 0 R /K 122 0 R /Pg 8 0 R >> endobj 103 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /LBody /P 119 0 R /K 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